Coffee saves lives

I can not do without coffee. When I sit and make cards, it’s always a trip to the coffee machine, that’s where I think about the next step. Then there is always a cup in front, in different stages of heat. If I have real problems, it will […]

Grumpy morning

Well, some mornings are just a hazzle to deal with. Especially when you need to adress some people. This bulldog have issues… but he must be sweet as candy. Look at him! He has pink bunny slippers. Sorry, one. I wonder where the other went… right up… *#&!…? […]

Coffee Craft Repeat

So, so true! There are just coffee, crafting and then start over. I made this slimline card in shiny brown, thin cardstock and added a few different stamps. I want variety, usually it’s pretty boring with the same thing over and over again, day in and day out […]